Module Auto-GUI.auto_components.command_popup_window
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import tkinter
from math import ceil
from auto_components.input_field import InputField
from auto_components.pop_up_window import PopUpWindow
from auto_components.grid import Grid
from auto_components.titled_input_field import TitledInputField
from miscellaneous.utility_functions import get_measurement
from miscellaneous.important_variables import *
from auto_components.frame import Frame
class CommandPopupWindow(PopUpWindow):
"""A PopUpWindow that is specifically for commands on the Auto Path"""
grid_columns = 3
length = 0
height = 0
title_field_height = 0
buffer_between_titles_and_input_fields = 0
save_button_height = 0
titled_input_fields = []
names = []
grid = None
save_button = None
command = lambda: ""
def __init__(self, names, default_values, commands_main_frame: Frame, font):
"""Initializes the object"""
self.names = names
self.save_button_height = get_measurement(self.height, 10)
self.titled_input_fields = []
for x in range(len(names)):
self.titled_input_fields.append(TitledInputField(WINDOW, font, default_values[x], names[x]))
self.save_button = Button(WINDOW, compound=tkinter.CENTER, text="Save", bg=pleasing_green, fg=white, font=SMALL_FONT, command=self.handle_save_button_click)
# The usual show items function is the function that is used when there are names
# (what is usually displayed, but if there are no names it does not make sense to have a giant save button)
usual_show_items_functions = commands_main_frame.get_grid_show_items(1, None, self.titled_input_fields + [self.save_button])
show_items_function = usual_show_items_functions if len(names) > 0 else commands_main_frame.get_default_show_items()
super().__init__(self.titled_input_fields + [self.save_button], commands_main_frame, show_items_function)
def set_input_fields_text(self, values):
"""Sets the text of the input fields (the command parameter values)"""
for x in range(len(self.titled_input_fields)):
def set_title_fields_text(self, values):
"""Sets the text of the text fields (the command parameter names)"""
for x in range(len(self.titled_input_fields)):
def get_input_field_values(self):
list[str]: the values of the input fields (command parameter values)"""
return [input_field.get_text() for input_field in self.titled_input_fields]
def set_save_button_command(self, command):
"""Sets the function that is called when the save button is clicked"""
self.command = command
def handle_save_button_click(self):
"""Calls the function 'command' when the save button is clicked"""
class CommandPopupWindow (names, default_values, commands_main_frame: auto_components.frame.Frame, font)
A PopUpWindow that is specifically for commands on the Auto Path
Initializes the object
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class CommandPopupWindow(PopUpWindow): """A PopUpWindow that is specifically for commands on the Auto Path""" grid_columns = 3 length = 0 height = 0 title_field_height = 0 buffer_between_titles_and_input_fields = 0 save_button_height = 0 titled_input_fields = [] names = [] grid = None save_button = None command = lambda: "" def __init__(self, names, default_values, commands_main_frame: Frame, font): """Initializes the object""" self.names = names self.save_button_height = get_measurement(self.height, 10) self.titled_input_fields = [] for x in range(len(names)): self.titled_input_fields.append(TitledInputField(WINDOW, font, default_values[x], names[x])) self.save_button = Button(WINDOW, compound=tkinter.CENTER, text="Save", bg=pleasing_green, fg=white, font=SMALL_FONT, command=self.handle_save_button_click) # The usual show items function is the function that is used when there are names # (what is usually displayed, but if there are no names it does not make sense to have a giant save button) usual_show_items_functions = commands_main_frame.get_grid_show_items(1, None, self.titled_input_fields + [self.save_button]) show_items_function = usual_show_items_functions if len(names) > 0 else commands_main_frame.get_default_show_items() super().__init__(self.titled_input_fields + [self.save_button], commands_main_frame, show_items_function) def set_input_fields_text(self, values): """Sets the text of the input fields (the command parameter values)""" for x in range(len(self.titled_input_fields)): self.titled_input_fields[x].set_text(values[x]) def set_title_fields_text(self, values): """Sets the text of the text fields (the command parameter names)""" for x in range(len(self.titled_input_fields)): self.titled_input_fields[x].set_title(values[x]) def get_input_field_values(self): """ Returns: list[str]: the values of the input fields (command parameter values)""" return [input_field.get_text() for input_field in self.titled_input_fields] def set_save_button_command(self, command): """Sets the function that is called when the save button is clicked""" self.command = command def handle_save_button_click(self): """Calls the function 'command' when the save button is clicked""" self.command()
- auto_components.pop_up_window.PopUpWindow
Class variables
var buffer_between_titles_and_input_fields
var grid
var grid_columns
var height
var length
var names
var title_field_height
var titled_input_fields
def command()
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command = lambda: ""
def get_input_field_values(self)
- the values of the input fields (command parameter values)
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def get_input_field_values(self): """ Returns: list[str]: the values of the input fields (command parameter values)""" return [input_field.get_text() for input_field in self.titled_input_fields]
Calls the function 'command' when the save button is clicked
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def handle_save_button_click(self): """Calls the function 'command' when the save button is clicked""" self.command()
def set_input_fields_text(self, values)
Sets the text of the input fields (the command parameter values)
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def set_input_fields_text(self, values): """Sets the text of the input fields (the command parameter values)""" for x in range(len(self.titled_input_fields)): self.titled_input_fields[x].set_text(values[x])
Sets the function that is called when the save button is clicked
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def set_save_button_command(self, command): """Sets the function that is called when the save button is clicked""" self.command = command
def set_title_fields_text(self, values)
Sets the text of the text fields (the command parameter names)
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def set_title_fields_text(self, values): """Sets the text of the text fields (the command parameter names)""" for x in range(len(self.titled_input_fields)): self.titled_input_fields[x].set_title(values[x])