Module Auto-GUI.miscellaneous.utility_functions
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import os
from miscellaneous.important_variables import *
def get_measurement(unit_of_measurement, amount):
return unit_of_measurement / 100 * amount
def get_mouse_position():
list[int]: {mouse_left_edge, mouse_top_edge}; the mouse's position on the screen"""
return [WINDOW.winfo_pointerx() - WINDOW.winfo_rootx(),
WINDOW.winfo_pointery() - WINDOW.winfo_rooty()]
def get_lines(string):
list[str]: the lines contained within that string (each '/n' creates a new line). Every item in the list is a line"""
current_line = ""
lines = []
enter = "\n"
for ch in string:
if ch == enter:
current_line = ""
current_line += ch
return lines + [current_line] # The last line doesn't have an enter at the end, so adding that line here
# Conversions Functions
def pixels_to_meters(pixels):
float: the meters value for the 'pixels'"""
def meters_to_pixels(meters):
double: the pixels value for the 'meters'"""
def truncate(number, decimal_places):
float: the number to that many decimal places (it removes the other decimal places)"""
# Getting the whole number with the decimals removed (to accuracy of decimal places) then making it go back
# To the original decimal by dividing by 10^decimal_places
return (number * pow(10, decimal_places) // 1) / pow(10, decimal_places)
def get_next_index(max_index, current_index):
int: the next index after the 'current_index' and it does cycle 0 -> max_index -> 0 -> etc."""
next_index = current_index + 1
return next_index if next_index <= max_index else 0 # If the index is too big it should go back to 0
def get_previous_index(max_index, current_index):
int: the previous index after the 'current_index' and it does cycle max_index -> 0 -> max_index -> etc."""
previous_index = current_index - 1
return previous_index if previous_index >= 0 else max_index
def swap_list_items(items, index1, index2):
"""Swaps the two indexes, so items[index1] = items[index2] and items[index2] = items[index1]"""
temporary_item = items[index2]
items[index2] = items[index1]
items[index1] = temporary_item
def copy_list(items):
list[object]: The items that are at a new spot in memory"""
return_value = []
for item in items:
return return_value
def get_index_of_range(range_lengths, number):
int: index of range"""
index = -1
start_time = 0
for x in range(len(range_lengths)):
end_time = start_time + range_lengths[x]
if number >= start_time and number <= end_time:
index = x
start_time = end_time
return index
def delete_file(file_path):
"""Deletes the file if the file exists"""
if os.path.exists(file_path):
def create_file(file_path):
"""Creates the file if the file does not exist"""
if os.path.exists(file_path):
file = open(file_path, "x")
def get_dictionary_value(dictionary: dict, key, default_value):
object: the value associated with that key if it exists otherwise it returns the default_value"""
return default_value if not dictionary.__contains__(key) else dictionary[key]
def get_string_after(string, string_start):
str: the string after 'string_start'"""
index = string.index(string_start)
return string[index + 1:]
def get_string(string_list):
str: the string from all the string_list items"""
return_value = ""
for item in string_list:
return_value += item
return return_value
def get_file_name(file):
str: the name of the file - all the contents after the last '/'"""
file_path =
last_slash_index = file_path.rindex("/")
file_name = file_path[last_slash_index + 1:]
return file_name
def copy_list(items)
- The items that are at a new spot in memory
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def copy_list(items): """ Returns: list[object]: The items that are at a new spot in memory""" return_value = [] for item in items: return_value.append(item) return return_value
def create_file(file_path)
Creates the file if the file does not exist
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def create_file(file_path): """Creates the file if the file does not exist""" if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) file = open(file_path, "x") file.close()
def delete_file(file_path)
Deletes the file if the file exists
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def delete_file(file_path): """Deletes the file if the file exists""" if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path)
def get_dictionary_value(dictionary: dict, key, default_value)
- the value associated with that key if it exists otherwise it returns the default_value
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def get_dictionary_value(dictionary: dict, key, default_value): """ Returns: object: the value associated with that key if it exists otherwise it returns the default_value""" return default_value if not dictionary.__contains__(key) else dictionary[key]
def get_file_name(file)
- the name of the file - all the contents after the last '/'
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def get_file_name(file): """ Returns: str: the name of the file - all the contents after the last '/'""" file_path = last_slash_index = file_path.rindex("/") file_name = file_path[last_slash_index + 1:] return file_name
def get_index_of_range(range_lengths, number)
- index of range
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def get_index_of_range(range_lengths, number): """ Returns: int: index of range""" index = -1 start_time = 0 for x in range(len(range_lengths)): end_time = start_time + range_lengths[x] if number >= start_time and number <= end_time: index = x start_time = end_time return index
def get_lines(string)
- the lines contained within that string (each '/n' creates a new line). Every item in the list is a line
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def get_lines(string): """ Returns: list[str]: the lines contained within that string (each '/n' creates a new line). Every item in the list is a line""" current_line = "" lines = [] enter = "\n" for ch in string: if ch == enter: lines.append(current_line) current_line = "" else: current_line += ch return lines + [current_line] # The last line doesn't have an enter at the end, so adding that line here
def get_measurement(unit_of_measurement, amount)
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def get_measurement(unit_of_measurement, amount): return unit_of_measurement / 100 * amount
def get_mouse_position()
- {mouse_left_edge, mouse_top_edge}; the mouse's position on the screen
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def get_mouse_position(): """ Returns: list[int]: {mouse_left_edge, mouse_top_edge}; the mouse's position on the screen""" return [WINDOW.winfo_pointerx() - WINDOW.winfo_rootx(), WINDOW.winfo_pointery() - WINDOW.winfo_rooty()]
def get_next_index(max_index, current_index)
- the next index after the 'current_index' and it does cycle 0 -> max_index -> 0 -> etc.
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def get_next_index(max_index, current_index): """ Returns: int: the next index after the 'current_index' and it does cycle 0 -> max_index -> 0 -> etc.""" next_index = current_index + 1 return next_index if next_index <= max_index else 0 # If the index is too big it should go back to 0
def get_previous_index(max_index, current_index)
- the previous index after the 'current_index' and it does cycle max_index -> 0 -> max_index -> etc.
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def get_previous_index(max_index, current_index): """ Returns: int: the previous index after the 'current_index' and it does cycle max_index -> 0 -> max_index -> etc.""" previous_index = current_index - 1 return previous_index if previous_index >= 0 else max_index
def get_string(string_list)
- the string from all the string_list items
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def get_string(string_list): """ Returns: str: the string from all the string_list items""" return_value = "" for item in string_list: return_value += item return return_value
def get_string_after(string, string_start)
- the string after 'string_start'
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def get_string_after(string, string_start): """ Returns: str: the string after 'string_start'""" index = string.index(string_start) return string[index + 1:]
def meters_to_pixels(meters)
- the pixels value for the 'meters'
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def meters_to_pixels(meters): """ Returns: double: the pixels value for the 'meters'""" return METERS_TO_PIXELS_MULTIPLIER * meters
def pixels_to_meters(pixels)
- the meters value for the 'pixels'
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def pixels_to_meters(pixels): """ Returns: float: the meters value for the 'pixels'""" return pixels * PIXELS_TO_METERS_MULTIPLIER
def swap_list_items(items, index1, index2)
Swaps the two indexes, so items[index1] = items[index2] and items[index2] = items[index1]
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def swap_list_items(items, index1, index2): """Swaps the two indexes, so items[index1] = items[index2] and items[index2] = items[index1]""" temporary_item = items[index2] items[index2] = items[index1] items[index1] = temporary_item
def truncate(number, decimal_places)
- the number to that many decimal places (it removes the other decimal places)
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def truncate(number, decimal_places): """ Returns: float: the number to that many decimal places (it removes the other decimal places)""" # Getting the whole number with the decimals removed (to accuracy of decimal places) then making it go back # To the original decimal by dividing by 10^decimal_places return (number * pow(10, decimal_places) // 1) / pow(10, decimal_places)